New Jersey
Type of Legislature New Jersey has a part-time, bicameral legislature. General Assembly: 80 members | 2-year terms Senate: 40 members…
Committee Oversight Authority
Assembly Rules “Each standing reference committee, within its subject area, is authorized to: “a. consider and report bills and resolutions…
Standing Committees Focused on Oversight
Assembly Oversight, Reform, and Federal Relations Committee Committees do not have individuals websites. Membership and schedule can be found on…
Committees with Jurisdictional Oversight Authority
Assembly Aging and Senior Services Committee Committees do not have individuals websites. Membership and schedule can be found on the Assembly Committees website.…
Fiscal Committees
Assembly Appropriations Committee Committees do not have individuals websites. Membership and schedule can be found on the Assembly Committees website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "Each standing…
Oversight Partners
Office of Legislative Services Website Mission Statement "The Office of Legislative Services (OLS) operates under the jurisdiction of the Legislative…
Fiscal Data
Office of Management and Budget Budget, appropriations, revenues, expenditures, fund balances, and more available on website State of New Jersey…
Oversight in the News
Audit finds deficiencies at state prison specializing in addiction recovery (New Jersey Monitor, 5/30/2023) A state audit revealed that the Mid-State…