Joint Committee on Advanced Information Technology, the Internet, and Cybersecurity #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Advanced Information Technology, the Internet and Cybersecurity to consider all matters relating to advanced information technology, cybersecurity and cyber threats, advanced public telecommunications networks, the internet, broadband access, fifth-generation telecommunications and other such matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Agriculture #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Agriculture to consider all matters pertaining to farms and farming, hemp cultivation, and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Bonding, Capital Expenditures, and State Assets #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Bonding, Capital Expenditures and State Assets to consider all matters concerning state lands, state buildings, the review all legislation providing for the giving, loaning or pledging of the credit of the Commonwealth (see Article LXII of the Amendments to the Constitution, as amended by Article LXXXIV). Said committee shall be responsible for evaluating such legislation and determining the appropriateness of enacting new legislation containing increased bond authorizations for the Commonwealth and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Cannabis Policy to consider all matters concerning the subject of marijuana” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Children, Families, and Persons with Disabilities #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities to consider all matters concerning child welfare, juvenile justice, public welfare, and children and adults with physical, developmental or intellectual disabilities. It is the Committee’s responsibility to oversee the Departments of Children and Families, Developmental Services, Transitional Assistance and Youth Services; the Massachusetts Commissions for the Blind, the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Community Development and Small Businesses #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Community Development and Small Business to consider all matters concerning mercantile establishments, the establishment of economic districts and local planning commissions, urban renewal, and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure to consider all matters concerning consumer credit, consumer protection, the issuance of licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages, the registration of various trades or professions, and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emergency Technologies #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies to consider all matters concerning commercial and industrial establishments, casino gambling and gaming, industrial development, the racing industry, science and technology, economic development, retention of science or technology-intensive industries; adoption of existing industries; innovation systems from research to development; computers; information, networking, the Internet, data storage and access; communication; biotechnology; stem cell research medical technology; medical devices; environmental technologies, classroom applications; workforce technology training and development, etc., and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Education #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Education to consider all matters concerning education (through grade 12) and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Elder Affairs #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Elder Affairs to consider all matters concerning the elderly, handicapped elders, nursing facilities, prescription drugs, reverse mortgages, senior pharmacy and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Election Laws #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Election Laws to consider all matters concerning elections, election laws and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Emergency Preparedness and Management #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Emergency Preparedness and Management to serve as an oversight and advisory committee, to monitor and investigate issues related emergency response and recovery. The committee may report, from time to time, with recommendations for legislative action, strategies, and innovations, based on their review of information or on the findings of investigations, to equitably address emergency response needs and the safe recovery for all residents of the commonwealth. The committee may coordinate with standing committees with relevant jurisdiction established pursuant to House Rule 17, Senate Rule 12 and Joint Rule 1 to develop such recommendations. Prior to making recommendations, the committee shall solicit input from members of the public and relevant experts. The joint standing committee shall further consider matters related to pandemic and disaster preparedness and emergency management and communication” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Environment and Natural Resources to consider all matters concerning the Division of Conservation and Recreation natural resources and the environment, air, water and noise pollution and control thereof, hunting and fishing, conservation, solid waste disposal and sewerage, and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Financial Services #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Financial Services to consider all matters concerning banks, banking institutions, credit unions, insurance companies, insurance, including motor vehicle insurance, small loans, and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Health Care Financing #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Health Care Financing to consider all matters concerning the direct funding of health care programs and any other Medicaid or public health assistance matters, fiscal matters relating to health care policy, Medicaid, MassHealth, the Uncompensated Care Pool and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Higher Education #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Higher Education to consider all matters concerning higher education and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Housing #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Housing to consider all matters concerning Chapter 40B housing, housing (generally), subdivision control, condominium laws, and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on the Judiciary #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Judiciary to consider all matters concerning crimes, penalties and sentencing, criminal offender record information, judiciary, including the recall of judges, the salaries of judges, court clerks and court officers of the various courts, probation officers, juries and jury duty, parole, registers of deeds, correction issues previously sent to Public Safety (but excluding the retirement of judges and all other court personnel) and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Labor and Workforce Development to consider all matters concerning discrimination with respect to employment, the labor laws, workers’ compensation and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Mental Health, Substance Use, and Recovery #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery to consider all matters concerning behavioral health, mental illness and substance use disorder, including prevention and early intervention, treatment, recovery services, homelessness, and such other matters as may be referred, It is the Committee’s responsibility to oversee the Department of Mental Health and the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; reports; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Municipalities and Regional Government to consider matters seeking the enactment of special laws for a city or town, the establishment of economic, district and local planning commissions, rent control and zoning, and matters concerning the various counties, former counties and regional government entities, including the salaries and tenure of employees, registers of deeds and sheriffs (but excluding the retirement of such employees) and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Public Health #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Public Health to consider all matters concerning the public health of the Commonwealth and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security to consider all matters concerning laws relating to shipping or otherwise transporting energy sources, the safety of the public, including civil defense, firearms and gun control, fire laws, motor vehicle laws, motor vehicle safety belts (including school buses), the correction system including administration, prisoners’ rights, furloughs, work release, probation, rehabilitation, homeland or Commonwealth security matters, other matters related to federal affairs, including, but not limited to, the prevention of terrorist attacks, the reduction of the vulnerability to terrorism; the minimizing of the damage and recovery from possible attacks that may occur, and the coordination of homeland security related activities of the Commonwealth with those of the Federal Government, including certain confidential and guarded information and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Public Service #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Public Service to consider all matters concerning the salaries, civil service and retirement of public employees (including the retirement of judges, court personnel and county employees but excluding the salaries of said judges, court personnel and county employees), collective bargaining for state employees and other public employees and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Racial Equity, Civil Rights, and Inclusion #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.
Joint Committee on Rules #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearings schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committees on Rules to establish and recommend policy procedures for the General Court; to consider all orders, resolutions and petitions referred thereto relating to recess studies, rules changes, etc.; and to consider such other matters as may be referred thereto or that the committees deem necessary for the expeditious actions of the General Court” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy to consider all matters concerning the exploration, exploitation and development of energy sources, such as coal, gas, oil, nuclear fusion, solar rays, tidal movement, etc., including the siting of energy facilities, public utilities, wind farms, bottle bill and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts, and Cultural Development #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development to consider all matters concerning tourism, arts and cultural development in the Commonwealth and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Transportation #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; reports; testimony; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Transportation to consider all matters concerning the development, operation, regulation and control of all means of transportation in the air, on land or in the water, the imposition of tolls on tunnels or bridges and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs to review all legislation having to do with veterans or affairs dealing with the federal government” (committee website).