Committee of the Whole #
Website #
Membership, committee rules, and agencies under committee available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Committee of the Whole is responsible for the annual budget, and amendments, additions, or supplements to the budget; coordinating the Council’s relationships with the Congress and the Federal executive branch; monitoring the progress of Council legislation through Congress; monitoring the status of original legislative proposals in Congress that may affect the District, the Council, or its legislation; amendments to the District Charter; Council appointments to Boards and Commissions; public-space naming; street and alley acquisition and closing; reapportionment and realignment of the political subdivisions of the District; Council administration and personnel; the scheduling of all matters for consideration by the Council in the legislative meeting; legislative matters related to the District as a political entity, including voting rights and statehood; grants management; government procurement; responsible for coordinating the Council’s relationships with appropriate regional, state, and national associations and organizations; labor relations; the Council’s relationship with regional authorities and other regional bodies and organizations not specifically assigned to other committees; truancy (jointly with the Committee on Education); District employees’ retirement; the development of the comprehensive plan and other matters pertaining to land use; matters related to statehood and self-determination for the District; revision and codification of Title 49 of the D.C. Official Code; public education matters exclusively concerning the University of the District of Columbia or the Community College of the District of Columbia; international business and affairs; and other matters assigned to it by these Rules or by the Chairman” (Rules of Organization and Procedure for the Council of the District of Columbia).
“(e) The following agencies come within the purview of the Committee of the Whole:
- Board for the Condemnation of Insanitary Buildings
- Board of Industrial Trades
- Board of Review of Anti-Deficiency Violations
- Board of Zoning Adjustment
- Commemorative Works Committee
- Commission and Office on Out of School Time Grants and Youth Outcomes
- Commission on the Arts and Humanities
- Common Lottery Board
- Community Schools Advisory Committee
- Construction Codes Coordinating Board
- Council of the District of Columbia
- Department of Buildings (jointly with the Committee on Facilities and Family Services)
- District of Columbia Education Research Practice Partnership Review Panel
- District of Columbia Educational Opportunity for Military Children State Council
- District of Columbia Public Charter School Board
- District of Columbia Public Schools
- District of Columbia Retirement Board, including the District of Columbia Police
- Officers and Fire Fighters’ Retirement Fund and the Teachers’ Retirement Fund
- District of Columbia State Athletics Commission
- District Retiree Health Contribution
- Healthy Youth and Schools Commission
- Higher Education Licensure Commission
- Historic Preservation Review Board
- Interagency Coordinating Council
- Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission
- Law Revision Commission
- Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
- Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
- National Capital Planning Commission
- New Columbia Statehood Commission
- Office of Budget and Planning
- Office of the District of Columbia Auditor
- Office of Planning
- Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education
- Office of the Ombudsman for Public Education
- Office of the State Superintendent of Education (including Advisory Panel on Special Education, Early Childhood Development Coordinating Council)
- Office of the Statehood Delegation
- Office of the Student Advocate
- Office of Zoning
- Other Post-Employment Benefits Fund Advisory Committee
- Pay-As-You-Go Capital
- Public Charter School Credit Enhancement Fund Committee
- State Board of Education
- Students in the Care of D.C. Coordinating Committee
- Tax Revision Commission
- Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation
- University of the District of Columbia
- Zoning Commission” (Article II, Period XXV, Section D-231).