House Committee on Federal Stimulus and Census Oversight #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearings schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The committee shall perform an ongoing review of federal spending, including but not limited to stimulus spending and block grants. The Committee shall work with the House Committee on Ways & Means to analyze federal stimulus allocations and research federal requirements on stimulus spending and compliance matters. The review of the committee shall focus on historical comparisons, best practices from other states, and tracking and reporting the uses of federal funding to both the House of Representatives and the public. The committee may review current state laws, regulations and policies in order to make recommendations that will allow Massachusetts to access additional funding. The committee shall also confer with the Special Committee on Redistricting to ensure continued communication with all stakeholders, including the Secretary of State’s office, to ensure the Commonwealth has the necessary structure and resources in place for an accurate and complete census count. The committee shall monitor formula-based and block grants, including Community Development Block Grants. The committee may act in an advisory and research role to support the development of processes and methods for the accurate collection of census data” (committee website).
House Committee on Ways and Means #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearings schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Ways and Means to consider all legislation affecting the finances of the Commonwealth and such other matters as may be referred thereto” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Revenue #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Revenue to consider all matters concerning Federal financial assistance, state fees, the raising of revenue for the Commonwealth by means of taxation, certain matters relating to the local property tax and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Joint Committee on Ways and Means #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Ways and Means (Joint) to consider all matters relating to the finances of the Commonwealth and such other matters as may be referred thereto” (committee website).
Senate Committee on Ways and Means #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearings schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Ways and Means to consider all matters relating to the finances of the Commonwealth and such other matters as may be referred thereto” (committee website).